We’ve been teaching children for a long time and had plenty of opportunities to learn what kids need and want from us - usually by giving them the opposite and then paying the price!  Constant curiosity and a commitment to become better teachers has taught us how to motivate children to do their best, what behaviour management tactics really work, how to settle down a stressed out child and, most importantly, how to make children laugh.


We’re humbly indebted to every child we’ve had the privilege to teach over the years.  Thanks, Kids!  You’ve shown us that:

• The right kind of positive encouragement and praise work like magic fairy dust on a child’s self-esteem.

• Every child has a different learning curve.  They will all "get it" in the end.

• There is a certain alchemy in putting on plays that gives  even the shyest of children more confidence.

• The more intense and "difficult" the show, the more the children rise to the occasion and enjoy the process.  Children love to be challenged!

• All children are naturally kind and helpful.  When this type of behaviour is rewarded, they glow with pride.

• When children think they "can't" they can be easily proven wrong.

• Through performance, charismatic children learn focus, introverted children learn how to communicate and all children discover something new to love about themselves.


Teaching Growth Mindset

The way you speak to a child can either shut down their ability to learn or make them hungry for more. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as praising the child: sometimes praise can actually  inhibit growth.  At Huzzah, we use specific tactics and games that will encourage your child to problem solve, use tactical thinking and get excited about their own achievements.  Of course, they won’t know that. They’ll be too busy making new friends and having fun.


Why do you teach meditation?

Simple meditation is as natural and easy for children as taking a nap, but with far more powerful benefits.

A short meditation session can have immediate effects on a child’s behaviour, helping them to deal with tough emotions, feel more socially responsible and connected and experience greater levels of self-esteem.

Meditation reduces stress hormones, relieves restlessness and increases the chances of a good night’s sleep.

Studies are finally showing what has been acknowledged wisdom for years, meditation changes brains for the better.  Katie and Maharati have a meditation practice (Maharati is a modern day monk and a qualified meditation teacher) that keeps them centred, calm and loving. After years of teaching Drama the penny dropped that they were keeping their best life skill to themselves.  Any time a short mediation was used in class to calm a rowdy group of children it worked so well and brought so much calm and clarity to the children that it became obvious that children need and deserve this tool as much as adults do.

The mediations we teach are either guided meditations (taking the children on an imagination journey) or Integrative Body-Mind Training (which you might know as mindfulness) and are designed to allow children to rest in themselves, processing their emotions, thoughts and life situations.  The mediations are completely secular and designed not to clash with any belief or non-belief that you encourage in your household.