Our Clubs & Classes
Focus and fun - that’s what we’re about at Huzzah. The Performing Arts offer a great platform to springboard your child into a more confident, creative and satisfied self. Shy children are coaxed out of their shells and little tykes are given a much needed outlet for all their extra energy.
“We’re not looking for cookie cutter children; there’s no such thing as a “Huzzah Child” because no two children are alike.”

At Huzzah, we meet every child where they are at and then gently encourage and challenge them to go beyond what they think is possible. We use pedagogical tactics designed to keep children in a learning state, meditation tools to help children become more resilient and centred and drama exercises to develop self-esteem, confidence and social awareness. What does this look like to the children? Having a lot of fun and putting on a show! What will it look like to you? The Drama club you've been waiting for. No star searches, no pushy teachers, just the right amount of positive discipline and a lot of love.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
“If every 8 year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.”
At Huzzah we teach short, mind-body awareness meditations and guided meditations that are suitable for children of all ages and cultures. Our mediation practice has brought us so much joy and peace that it would be selfish not to share it with the children!
Growth Mindset
Huzzah classes focus on an imaginative and creative process that allows children to constantly develop their minds, values and sense of self. We challenge children to reach beyond what they think they are capable of and use growth mindset teaching practices that keep children curious, optimistic and keen to learn.
“For most of us the problem isn’t that we aim too high and fail - it’s just the opposite - we aim too low and succeed.”
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How do you recruit, check and train Huzzah teachers?
We are proud of our teachers who are all professionally trained Performing Artists. They have come through a vigorous set of auditions where we screen for the right attitude and energy. Then we run the highest possible security checks on each individual. Finally once we are happy to welcome them as part of the tribe, they complete training in how to teach with special sparkle, how to get children into the learning zone and how to deliver mindfulness training to children. Our teachers’ growth and happiness is just as important to us as the children’s so we keep them up to date with new teaching methods and encourage sharing ideas across the schools.
What difference will I see in my child?
There is a wealth of study that shows children who engage in Drama Classes (with teachers who know how to keep them in a learning state) learn how to be more socially, morally and spiritually aware, they are inspired to write about and explore their world more, they have higher self esteem and feel more connected. There are so many changes you can expect to see in your child if you commit to letting them come to regular drama classes. At Huzzah, children have the added benefit of meditation which is proven to increase self confidence, grow grey matter, allow children to make better decisions and feel more secure.
However, we are talking about a human being here! Every child is different. Some children seem to undergo a miraculous transformation in the space of a week with us, for others, changes are accumulative and can bee seen by looking back over the years.
Drama class can play an important role in a child’s development, but must be seen as part of a whole and not a quick fix. If you have any specific concerns about your child that you’d like to discuss we are always happy to hear from you and will arrange a phone call. Use the Contact Form to drop us a line.
My child is not in Year One/Prep Two yet. Can they attend a Holiday Course?
We can no longer accept any child under this age. This isn't becasue we wouldn't love to have them, but due to Government Rules. We are so sorry for any inconvieniance this causes you and hope to see your little one ASAP.
Absolutely brilliant. My little boy loves this. He is looked after so well and entertained throughout the week. As a parent you get to see all the brilliant work they achieve in a performance at the end of the week. I wish my children listened to me with as much enthusiasm as they do to Katie and the team.
Clem Wilmont. Mother.
Everyday that week we played fun games, followed by practicing our roles in the afternoon. This included acting out our roles, as well as performing our songs and dance routines to over 5 tracks. Everyday was like a rollercoaster of fun, leading up to show-time on the last day.
Huzzah is the best thing in my life, I can’t wait for the next one and I hope you come too, because I’m certain you’ll have just as much fun as me! Alfie Ralph. Age 9.
I have never seen teachers and students more alive, attentive, joyful and able to absorb and retain information.
Maharati mesmerised all before her with her skills. The children were completely transformed.
Alice Pullford -Founder Love Support Unite Foundation